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A catalyst guide through the art of breath, presence and sensations. Licensed through the North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy (License#15581). Holy Yoga certified instructor at 225 hours; trained and Masters level certified at SVG Thai Massage Training Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand; Wonder Method III certified; studied at UNC-Charlotte, completing her Bachelor of Arts in Applied Philosophy, focusing in ethical wellness and nutrition. Her cultural heritage and upbringing is an indigenous group of people, known as the Hmong people (her ancestors are from South East Asia, Laos), born and raised in the southern States of U.S with a Hmong American woman perspective. She comes from a line of Hmong medicine women and horticulture. Her focus in studies and passions are in exploring sustainable approaches to a modern day lifestyle with an indigenous touch. She shares the knowledge of creating tangible ways to experience lectio divina, holistic therapeutic touch, bio-mechanics of the body movement, “loving your uterus” self-care (for all seasons of a woman’s sex organs development), pelvic floor discomfort, life-coaching, sustainable living-functioning, healing from the inside out, muscle testing, understanding energy “healing”, law of attraction, social networking (creating your community), meditation and learning how to stay in a growth mindset. Connecting dots and correlations to all walks of life, has organically become an interdisciplinary study to the mind, our choices, the narratives we speak into existence (from within and without).


From a very Yang body work background, the Yin season has slowly moved into inspiration. Gao is continuing her education in womb-lifting—to marry with her cultural practice of postpartum care and share to other women seeking to find better ways to heal their wombs (birthed or not). With this search, it has opened the rabbit hole of exploring the understanding of ancestral healing and how the work unfolds from Gao’s life journey. This has led to exploring biodynamic craniosacral therapy, Wonder Method and sound therapy. In addition to the Yin season, Gao continues to strive with a science based knowledge. Helping clients find a realistic, health strength building understanding that best fits their physical body through gently supporting the nervous system.


When not on the mat, you can find Gao zestfully treading new territories and always learning a thing or two through community.