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Filtering by Tag: intention

What is my Intention?

Gao Yang

As a practitioner, the art of touch and movement are tools I use to guide others back to their bodies. I do not consider myself a healer or someone that fixes those that come to receive from me. Through the years I have come to resonate with: facilitator and someone who hold’s space for others.

What does that even mean??

Your body is a smart machine. We take for granted all of the work and functions that take place, within ourselves. Even as you read this article, the heart beats, the eyes blink, the lungs have inflated and deflated. A lot of times, we train the body to cope, forcing it to work overtime with the lives we choose to live or confine ourselves within.

The work I do, simply gives you permission to come back to the basics: to feel, to bask, to learn and let go on a tangible level. And in this space, my hope is that you can show up, with no judgement, take inventory of where you are and get to know the vastness of what the body does (when you learn to get out of the way).

When was the last time you asked someone what their intention for ya’lls interaction?